Technically speaking a “3D Printed Prototype” and a “Full Production Prototype” are both 3D (three dimensional) prototypes.
1) 3D printed prototype are a lower cost and are a quicker to build prototype which usually helps prove the design, concept and size and feel. This is a type of prototype that is used during the design and engineering process and before you enter the expensive manufacturing process. THREE D PRINTED PROTOTYPES ARE USED BEFORE THE MANUFACTURE PROCESS
2) Full production prototype are constructed from the same materials (or close to ) the finished manufactured product and sometimes uses the production molds. A FULL PRODUCTION PROTOTYPE IS USUALLY USED AFTER THE PRODUCT DESIGN AND ENGINEERING IS COMPLETED OR AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS
Depending on what your product or invention is it may not be necessary to build both types of prototypes.
3D Printed Prototypes and Full Production Prototypes pictures

A message from the 3D Printing, Product Design & Prototype Experts president/owner:
Don’t underestimate the importance of a prototype and don’t try to cut corners by skipping the prototype stage and moving forward without having proven to yourself and others that your idea is technically and mechanically feasible.
What are the Different Types of Prototypes
I’m here to provide 3d printing prototype services to inventors, companies and organizations interested in having their product or item prototyped for reproduction or product design modifications, alterations or design improvements. I will supply you with expert 3d printing and prototyping service solutions.
Thanks for taking the time to view this 3d printing and prototype company information and I look forward to hearing from you,
Anthony, President and Chief Prototype and Product Designer
3D Printing Expert, Inc.