IGES or IGS Files stands for Initial Graphics Exchange Specification and is a file format which defines a vendor neutral data format that allows the digital exchange of information among Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems.
Many manufacturers will request an IGES or IGS file for pricing and designing molds or pricing manufactured parts for your invention or product.
A General Description of IGES
Products may be designed as either a two-dimensional, three-view drawing layout, or as a full three-dimensional model with associated drawing views and dimensions using a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system. The IGES format serves as a neutral data format to transfer the design to a dissimilar system. Translators, developed to the IGES Standard, are used to export a design into an IGES file for exchange and for importing the IGES file into the destination system.
An IGS or IGES file is composed of 80-character ASCII records, a record length derived from the original punched card era. It can be used by many CAD programs as a standard ASCII text-based format for saving and exporting vector data, and can store wireframe models, surface or solid object representations, circuit diagrams, and other objects. The IGS format has become the default standard file format for transferring 3D model files between the different CAD software packages. Once a user has created a model file in one specific software to send it to another user who does not have that same program without any concern whether or not the recipient will have the ability to open or view the file.
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I’m here to assist inventors, companies and organizations with all their 3D Printing and Prototyping needs using IGES files or IGS files. I will find you expert 3D Printing File and Fast Track Prototyping Files Printing solutions.
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