Proof-of-Principle Prototype; a proof of concept prototype is used to test some aspect of the intended design without attempting to exactly simulate the visual appearance, choice of materials or intended manufacturing process. Such prototypes can be used to “prove” out a potential design approach such as range of motion, mechanics, sensors, architecture, etc. These types of models are often used to identify which design options will or will not work.
As an inventor or an entrepreneur you have probably come up with some great product ideas. The Proof-of-Concept Prototype allows you to validate to yourself and your investors that the idea actually works and functions as envisioned. This first prototype does not need to be pretty. Normally, it does not bear any resemblance to your final product since the goal is to only prove it functions and not to prove that it looks nice.
Another important aspect of Proof-of-Concept Prototype is it acts as an aid in obtaining intellectual property in your patent. It is extremely important that you have the ability to concisely explain your product idea to an intellectual property attorney. The Proof-of-Concept Prototype can help you explain how your product functions while also providing a functioning model that the attorney can use to seek out additional patent claims that might not have been found without the Proof-of-Concept Prototype.
Don’t underestimate the important of a Proof-of-Concept Prototype and don’t try to cut corners by skipping the Proof-of-Concept stage and moving forward without having proven to yourself and others that your idea is technically and mechanically feasible.
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I’m here to help inventors, companies, investors and organizations with all their 3D Printing and Prototyping. I will supply you with expert 3D Printing Fast Track Prototyping service.
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